01482 318789 | Directions
Principal – Stacey Ward

Summer School Report

Summer School Report 21

Maximum Claim (22 students/ 10 days) £39402.00
Maximum Claim for Our Offer (22 students/ 8 days) £31521.60
Maximum Value per Student (includes uplift for AP/PRU/Special schools) £179.10
Total Spend for 22 students £14475.96
Total remaining from 8 day grant £17045.64


Summer School Dates

29 July 30 July
11 August 12 August
23 August 24 August
2 September 3 September


Summer School Rationale and Focus

Department for Education (DfE) research estimates that in the first half-term of autumn 2020, pupils in:

  • Year 3 to 9 were on average around 1.6 to 2 months behind on their reading
  • Year 3 to 7 were around 3.2 months behind on their maths
  • schools with high numbers of pupils eligible for free school meals were on average further behind those in schools with low free school meals eligibility

In addition, the majority of number students referred to Aspire have significant barriers to learning, including: Social, emotional, behavioural; speech, language and communication; disengagement and disaffection. A significant proportion have a learning need in addition to this.

Around 80% of the school are Pupil Premium and around a quarter of the school holds an EHCP. All EHCP and LAC students were offered a place, as were CiN and students on a CP plan.

Each Summer School session aimed to:

  • Engage students with reading and literacy
  • Engage students with using number and numeracy
  • Provide opportunities to build on resilience
  • Provide opportunities for students to progress against their ABALs (Personal, Social, Self-Management and Awareness skills)
  • Provide opportunities for students to talk about, and increase their awareness of, mental health, healthy body and mind.

An example day:

Day 3

  • Focus: Numeracy and Instructional Reading
  • ABAL Focus: Social Skills Assessment Criteria
  • Wider Focus: Citizenship and Contributing to Society

Activity One:

  • Following a recipe – Working in pairs to design and create a healthy lunch, either following or writing a recipe.

Mental Health and Physical Well-being Focus:

  • Exploring feelings of intimidation and insecurity.
  • Healthy Eating, fresh air and exercise.

SMSC Focus: Social:

  • Responsibilities of being part of a community

Activity Two:

  • East Park Scavenger Hunt. Teams work together in a public venue to follow the instructions, use the coordinates to find the hidden treasure. Self management, working as a group and interacting as a member of the public.

Activity Three and Four (Rotational):

  • Communication and Oracy skills.
  • Go Karting Team Challenge (randomly chosen teams).

Activity Five:

  • BKSB Programme

Summer School Students

The breakdown of students who were invited and attended on 1 or more days are as follows:

Year Group Overall Non -Pupil Premium Pupil Premium EHCP LAC
Year 7 1 0 1
Year 8 10 2 8 4 2
Year 9 8 2 6 4 1
Year 10 12 2 10 7
  • 80% of students were PP.
  • 48% of students have an EHCP.
  • 10% of students were LAC.

Attendance and Safeguarding

A reminder text was sent the evening before and staffing teams arrived early on the day to make contact by phone. Where students did not arrive on time, and phone contact has not been established, a home visit took place within the first hour. There was a reserve list in place for each day. Each day was also over allocated. This ensured a strong attendance and engagement for each session, with 22 or more students attending each day.

Breakdown of Spends for funded students

Type Daily Average Total With On Costs
Staffing 1222.01 9776.09
Food 220 1760.03
Activities 367.48 2939.84
  1809.49 14475.96

Aspire Academy
351 Annandale Road,
Hull, HU9 5DE

01482 318789
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