Onsite Provision
The Government has stated that AP should offer on-site provision to the most vulnerable and the children of key workers. Aspire has a class for each year group, plus specialist provision running.
The Government has also stated that vocational assessments should continue to go ahead as they cannot pass the courses without these being completed. KS4 vocational and ECDL teachers offer up to 2 days per week for students to attend to complete their vocational work. It is strongly advised that students take up their vocational places, when offered, in order to pass their courses.
Courses requiring controlled assessment work including our Arts courses and iGCSE English language also provide up to 2 days provision, in order for students to complete their courses. It is strongly advised that students take up their intervention places, when offered, in order to pass their courses.
Offsite Learning Support – Our offer
All other learning has moved to remote learning. The Government stated that remote learning is compulsory for students. Schools have been instructed to monitor this and ensure completion. All lessons, in all subjects, for all year groups are now available on Google Classroom.
There are live lessons taking place in English and Maths each day, your teacher will email you the link. There are pre-recorded sessions by your teachers explaining the more difficult concepts, which can be accessed and re-visited as many times as needed.
BKSB English and Maths can be accessed from home. Your child should already have their log in. If they need a reminder please leave a message for Ms Lancaster.
Access and Support
Your child has been issued with a Google password and username. Verbal support in accessing is available from your child’s tutor. Through daily welfare calls, students can book a physical school drop in support session. These sessions take place from 8.30am-9.30am daily and need to be arranged a day in advance.
Support with learning can be obtained in a number of ways: By messaging through Google classroom; raising with tutors during the daily welfare calls; calling your child’s tutor; or messaging the relevant member of staff through Google Classroom. The instructions for accessing the work are below:
Data and Wifi Many mobile phone companies are offering free additional data for devices to complete online learning. More information can be found here: https://get-help-with-tech.education.gov.uk/internet-access
Devices If you’re stuck for devices, or have more children than laptops, you can access through an X-Box or Playstation. Please let us know if you need to borrow a keyboard through contacting tutors and we will arrange this.
Aspire has a number of laptops available for those families without access at home. You will need to make a request through your child’s tutor. Provision will be distributed after a need assessment has been completed.
Other Learning Opportunities
Online: Oak Academy contains a wealth of learning resources across all year groups and in a range of subjects.
Twinkl are offering free resources to families for home learning
Television: From Monday 11th January CBBC will have 3 hours worth of primary school content per week day and BBC2 have commited to at least 2 hours of secondary curriculum programming.
The printed word:
Reading newspapers is an excellent way to expand a child’s vocabulary and understanding of the world around them. Newspapers are relatively cheap, with articles available for free online.
Hull and East Riding both offer an order and collect library service:
Aspire has a range of texts relevant to your child’s courses as well as texts they can read for enjoyment. If you would like to borrow a text from us just let your child’s tutor know and we will arrange for these to be delivered.
Our Well-Being Offer
Aspire’s curriculum is about much more than academic progress. The whole child approach to supporting social, emotional, behavioural development and good mental health remains paramount. Our curriculum intent is to provide safe and supported opportunities for development in these areas; building resilience and drawing on external agencies for support where required. We aim to continue to provide as much support in this areas as possible during this time.
Pastoral, Well-being and Safeguarding Support
I am sure this is a concerning time for you and your family. I would like to reassure you that we are here to support you (Monday to Friday 8am to 4.15pm) by phone or email. Please do not contact tutors outside of these hours. For safeguarding concerns occurring out of these contact hours please email: support@aspirehull.com
Aspire has its own chaplain. If you, or a member of your household, would benefit from chaplaincy support please contact us and ask for Shelly Jones.
There are other sources of support within our communities. Please see below for numbers, which may be useful for someone in the home if they find themselves struggling.
Each has a website with signposting information and some have support accessible through live chat.
If you are struggling with your child, worried about their behaviour or would like support as a family you can access EHASH (Early Help and Safeguarding Hub). The link below takes you to the relevant contact details and online referral process: http://www.hull.gov.uk/children-and-families/safeguarding-and-welfare/worried-about-child
If you would like help completing this or for advice and signposting for all other support, please contact Aspire and ask for Mrs Lane.
Exercise for Mental and Physical Health
Try and ensure your child has some physical activity built into each day. This is good for structure, physical and mental health. NHS guidelines recommend at least 1 hour per day for children and teenagers and up to 3 hours a day for younger children and pre-schoolers. There is a wealth of online classes and pre-recorded fitness sessions out there.
Joe Wicks (Mon-Weds-Fri 9am live or watch anytime) on Youtube has classes specifically aimed at a younger audience. He also has plenty of online content for the older, more serious teenager.
Cosmic Kids Yoga is also available on Youtube or Yoga with Kassandra for an older audience.
If that doesn’t hold any interest then building in a walk, jog, run, or even a compulsory hour out in the garden per day could be an option.
Routine and Structure
They remain essential for good mental health. Routine is unlikely to be the same during this time however by putting a new routine in place helps children to feel secure and safe. Having designated meal times, learning times, exercise times and bedtimes are key components of a routine. If you would like to make the daily welfare call part of your routine, for example if you decide your child needs to be up and dressed by 9am for the call to take place, please discuss and arrange this with your child’s tutor.
Our Regular Learning Offer
We aim to provide an outstanding, inspirational education that will empower students to reach their full potential and give them a vision for life and their future.
Our learning offer is diverse and flexible. It enables us to reach students and support them in achieving their goals. It includes:
If parents or carers have any questions or concerns about our curriculum, or would like elements of it explaining, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Aspire Academy.