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Executive Principal – Chris Mulqueen

River of Hope

Well done to the Textiles team for their successful entry into the Rivers of Hope competition organised by the Thames Festival Trust!

River of Hope is an arts-based project linking schools around the world through the study of rivers. This year, it plays an important part in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations since the Queen has always shown love and respect for the natural environment.

Students were challenged to consider the importance of safeguarding the future of their own natural environment by creating imaginative pieces of artwork. They needed to deploy their art and design skills using either natural or recycled materials.

Two hundred of the entries received were chosen to be printed onto silk flags and will be processed as part of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant on the 5 June 2022. The 200 wonderful designs from around the world can be seen by clicking on this link: www.riverofhope.co.uk

Following the pageant, a number of the flags will be displayed as part of a public exhibition at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich from 26 September to the 30 October.

Aspire Academy
351 Annandale Road,
Hull, HU9 5DE

01482 318789
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