01482 318789 | Directions
Executive Principal – Chris Mulqueen

Update from Aspire

University of Hull Visit

Aspire students interested in a career in law visited the University of Hull today. They learned about how university study works, associated law degree careers, university life in general and had a campus tour. A great afternoon! Thanks to the university for their time today. 

Organ Donation and Heart Dissection

After discussions around organ donation, students then were given the opportunity to each dissect a pig’s heart in order to to identify the parts of the heart and how it is structured. Students then discussed how pig hearts could potentially be transplanted into humans due to the closeness is has to a human heart structure. It was a brave effort by the class, who were well out of their comfort zone, but they all did brilliantly. 

A Visit from Thunder

Another wonderful visit from Thunder from the Therapy Huskies today. Such a brilliant, soothing and comforting experience and an opportunity to build confidence. 

Aspire Academy
351 Annandale Road,
Hull, HU9 5DE

01482 318789
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